The aim in Europe is to help research teams to spend part of their research in this testbed so that the European technological resources could highly benefit and keep on being competitive with respect to Asia and America.  This is therefore the proper moment to encourage basic events such as Euroconferences, Practical Training Courses and Summer Schools in order to avoid that European technology cannot keep up with the rest of the world. The scope of target groups includes qualified research groups from developed countries and meridian countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe. The countries carrying out pioneering work in this field, and included in this proposal, are: France, Spain, UK, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Switzerland, and Israel. 

    The goal of this project is set forth in the following points: 
    Senior Researchers.  Scientists will present to other senior researchers their basic research linked to the subject.  For this purpose an European committee has been created, consisting of senior researchers in the field.  Here below follows a list in which for each country only one senior researcher is appointed:

Linkoeping University
Univ. Paris VI
Open University
Humboldt Univ. of Berlin
Univ. of Ulm. 
Univ. of British Columbia
Univ. CarlosIII de Madrid
Univ. of Padua
Technion-Israel Inst of Technology
Humboldt Univ. of Berlin
Tech Univ. of Vienna
ISR/IST, Tech. Univ. of Lisbon
The Open University