The EUROBOT initiative was born in 1997 when a groupe of European researchers wondered of the possibilities to do research in the new testbed.  The very interdisciplinary subject implies to join efforts from all countries of the European Union and related countries to participate in high standards in this project. 
    We hope in Paris '98 in July 1998 consolidate the co-operation of the European Researchers. 

        JA'97  FIRA presentation 

      Date:   Monday, September 8, 15:30-17:00 
      Organizer:   J. Ll. de la Rosa, University of Girona, Catalonia 
      Invited Contributors: 
      • Presentation of FIRA. 
        • J. H. Kim, KAIST, Taejon, Korea. 
      • Introduction to mobile robotics and FIRA. 
        • P. Vadakkepat, KAIST, Taejon, Korea. 
       IROS-97  RoboCup Challenge 
      Date:   Wednesday, September 10, 18:00-19:00 

      Organizer:   M. Asada, Osaka University, Japan 

      Invited Contributors: 

      • A Proposal of a Quadruped Robot Platform for RoboCup 
        • M. Fujita & K. Kageyama, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan 
      • A Report on RoboCup-97 
        • H. Matsubara, I. Noda & S. Suzuki, Osaka University, Japan 
      • An Overview of The RoboCup Physical Agent Challenge : Phase I 
        • M. Asada, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 
      • RoboCup as a Research Program 
        • H. Kitano, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan