Here you can find links to educational and scientific prosposals connected to the international and european links, and also the proposals submitted to the European Community. 

   European Comission Proposals

      • Summer Schools
      • Euroconferences.
    Education Program 
    Education Program aims at establishment of various education program using the testbed. 
    Example of such courses includes, but not limited to: 

    Artificial Intelligence using the testbed (Undergraduate/graduate course), 
    Intoduction to Robotics using RoboCup (Undergraduate course), 
    AI Programming in RoboCup (Undergrad.), 
    Multiagent Systems (Grad.), and 

    To establish such course for effective education, we need collaborative efforts, sharing of teaching experiences, exchange of course materials, and a new text book. 
    In order to faciliate such a sharing of information, EUROBOT uses the RoboCup mailing list. 
    Education Program Mailing List 
    So far, use the European Mailing list 
     To subscribe: Send E-mail to 
    with a content of "subscribe robocup-euro". 
     To submit an article: Send E-mail to
         Caution: This is an unmoderated list.