ACTIVITIESOperational Summary of Proposed Events
Here follows more information about the first event, the 1st EUROBOT Practical Training Course that is to be held in parallel to the Ulm Robotics Week, in Germany. European Newletter
1st EUROBOT Practical Training Course
Detailed schedule of events will be sent in a follow-up email! The first EUROBOT Practical Training Course and all EUROBOT events will have the preliminary meeting in the Ulm Robotics Week. Date: March 21 to March 28 or 29, 1998. Details of the 1st EUROBOT Practical Training Course will be obtained from the senior organisers, together with the experience from this preliminary event. Introduction
It is a bundle of robotics events. The EUROBOT Trials are the main event, where teams of both real and simulated robots play soccer. Three workshops on Co-operative Robotics, on Multi-agent Systems and Simulation, and on Innovative Science and Engineering Education provide a forum for scientific exchange. A number of tutorials, in terms of Practical Training Courses for senior researchers, allow novices and experienced participants to learn more about specific topics and to gain practical experience in building and programming robots during the accompanying lab sessions. The public, media and press are invited to watch the final competitions of the various events. Several organisational meetings (EUROBOT Committee meeting, etc.) and social events (excursion to Daimler, dinner, etc.) round up the list of events.
There are scientific, educational, and organisational reasons for such an event. Therefore, we expect that a significant number of people will attend. We estimate an attendance of 10 to 40 European researchers, 10 to 40 German researchers, about one or two dozen local university students, about 20 high school students, and about 10 adult students and high school teachers.
Besides having participated in the Robot Building Lab at AAAI-93 and enjoyed the thrill of building and programming robots to compete on a task, I have been actively involved in a number of similar events at universities and colleges, research institutes, conferences and summer schools. At IK-97, we met several colleagues and professors, some of whom have participated in former Robot Building Labs. They expressed a strong interest in a new event that -- among other activities – would include Robot Building Lab activities and provide an opportunity for German roboticists and educators to meet. At IJCAI-97 in Nagoya, Japan, the EUROBOT Committee was created. One of the first decisions was to hold a EUROBOT Trial about 3 months before the next RoboCup World Championships in Japan. Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar offered to organise this event in Ulm. Overview of Events
The main event during the Ulm Robotics Week are the EUROBOT Trials, which present a forum for EUROBOT teams to test their technology under real competitive conditions. According to the subdivisions of RoboCup Competitions, determined by the International RoboCup Committee, we will have three categories of trials:
A variety of tutorials, which are open to all participants, are planned. Anyone who plans to give a tutorial at the first EUROBOT Practical Training Course (in June ‘98) or Summer School (in August ’98) is given the opportunity to test his tutorial in Ulm. A list of possible tutorials (together with potential speakers in collaboration with the general Training Staff described in section 4.A) is given hereafter:
A limited number of students work in groups to solve small robot programming tasks on our robots. The goal is to give students some practical experience with typical robot programming environments. We have a variety of robots in our lab. We will probably be able to borrow extra robots from nearby labs, so that we may have available up to 12 or more Pioneers, 3 B21, a Nomad 200, between 4 and 10 Kheperas, and a variety of small LEGO-based or custom-built robots. Workshop CR-98: Co-operative Robotics --- The
RoboCup Challenge
(a modified version of our classical RBL)
(see above) Robot Exhibition and Demonstration
Organisation of the Ulm Robotics Week